
Please join the Beartooth Front Community Forum for a community conversation about the potential uses for the old Roosevelt School. The Forum will be Saturday, March 29, 8:30am to 12:30pm at the old Roosevelt School gymnasium, including self-guided tours. Listen to experts in historic preservation and revitalization. Our speakers will include:

Steve Adler, Adler Architects, Inc., Missoula will address the importance and feasibility of preservation of our historic structures.

Susan Denson-Guy, Emerson Center, Bozeman will speak to sustainability of their school turned arts and culture center celebrating its 20th year.

Kelly Dowdell, Shane Center, Livingston will share the vision, commitment and fundraising needed for their more recent center.

Wrap up the morning by sharing your thoughts for reusing this treasured Community resource. Our community values your input! Old Roosevelt School. Restore, Reuse, Revitalize!