Mission: Beartooth Front Community Forum focuses on public education and involvement, and particularly seeks to promote thoughtful, constructive dialogue on issues affecting the region.
What are you fundraising for this year?
Funds will be used to cover expenses for 2024 forums, continuing to share information about Aging In Place and informing the public about City/County Growth Policies: How They Influence Land Use and Community Development Planning. Funds also allow us to plan and budget for 2025 forums.
What impact will funds have on your mission and community?
The funds support BFCF’s ability to cover the expenses associated with the community forums. These include the ability to invite and pay expenses of speakers with expertise in the forum topic, pay cost of renting the venue and other expenses.
If you participated last year, what did you use the funds for?
We utilized the funds to sponsor two forums.
Spring forum: Beartooth Front: Climate, Growth, Resilience Where Are We Headed.
Fall forum: Aging In Place, jointly sponsored by BFCF and RLACF.
Fundraising Goal: $1,500.00
Website: http://www.beartoothfront.org/
Facebook: Beartooth Front Community Forum