Early Childhood projects celebrate, educate, and advocate for kids age 0 – 8.
Goals include:
- Know and connect people with services available to them
- Strengthen partnerships with a variety of service providers and youth organizations
- Refresh, strengthen, and promote the Reading Adventure Backpack program at the library.
- Partner with the state to assess Family Engagement opportunities across the county
- Participate in the statewide Early Childhood Co-op Education and Program opportunities
Did you know? The Early Childhood Grant Fund provides funding for educational, developmental, and supportive services for children ages 0-8 including, but not limited to, childcare, preschool, caregiver education, and other developmental enhancement opportunities.
LIFTS, or Linking Infants & Families to Supports, was created to link Montana families who are expecting or raising young ones to supports, resources, and other families. There are several ways to connect and find the information you need. Click the LIFTS logo Above to find more information.

Reading Adventure Backpacks
Introducing a fun way to get into reading! The Red Lodge Area Community Foundation is proud to partner with the Red Lodge Carnegie Library to provide…